exciting news!

October 5, 2008

becoming minimalist has moved.  please visit us at our new address: http://www.becomingminimalist.com/

also, don’t forget to update your bookmarks as all new posts will be entered on the new site.  we hope you’ll like the new look even more as we don’t change any of our content or stated goals.

a quick project for you to tackle today, you’ll be glad you did. here are 7 things that can be minimalized from your junk drawer in one hour or less:

  1. pens/pencils
  2. old batteries (you know you’re never going to use them)
  3. keys (if you don’t know what they open, they don’t open anything)
  4. scissors/tape/paper clips/rubber bands (does that count as one item?)
  5. tools/hardware (keep one philips screwdriver, that’s it – put the rest away)
  6. coins/receipts
  7. phone books (i hope i’m not the only one with more than one phonebook in my drawer…)

is there anything you would like to add to this list that should be minimalized from your junk drawer?

related posts:

7 things – the office

September 4, 2008

here are 7 things that can be minimalized in your office (home or away) today:

  1. paper files – if you can, scan them to your computer. if not, sort and file.
  2. bulletin board items – you’ve needed to declutter that for months anyway.
  3. wall decorations – just keep 1 or 2 accent pieces (and maybe a clock)
  4. physical desktop items – find a home out of sight for your stapler, tape, and paper clips.
  5. computer desktop icons – remove unneccesary icons (or hide all of them)
  6. your desk drawer – you know the one i’m talking about…
  7. books – if you don’t use them, get rid of them.

honorable mention: pens/pencils

related posts:

here are 7 things that could be minimalized in your master bedroom today:

  1. clothing (closets, drawers, and shoes)
  2. dresser tops (jewelry, change, receipts, buttons, photos)
  3. your nightstand drawers
  4. old magazines/books (face it – you’re never going to read that article)
  5. throw pillows (a few are decorative, too many is clutter)
  6. your television (consider the benefits)
  7. the junk under your bed

related posts: 7 things – the kitchen, 7 things – the living room, 7 things – the bathroom

here are 7 things that could be minimalized in your living room today:

  1. books (on the bookcase or in the magazine rack)
  2. old family photos (do you really need 2 photos of your cousin displayed?)
  3. cds/dvds (remove the ones you don’t use and put the remainders in storage out of sight)
  4. decorative items (keeping just the items that you want people to notice will help them get noticed)
  5. entertainment center (remove old components and organize cords)
  6. children’s toys (put them in storage out of sight – “everything gets a home”)
  7. furniture (remove and rearrange – you just may fall in love with the extra space)

do you have anything to add to the list?

related posts: 7 things – the kitchen, 7 things – the bathroom

7 things that could be minimalized in your bathroom right now:

  1. reading materials
  2. over-the-counter medicine
  3. make-up
  4. bath toys
  5. cleaning agents/supplies
  6. nonworking appliances (hair dryer/curler, electric razor, electric toothbrush)
  7. bottles of shampoo/conditioner (for some reason there are 8 bottle in my bathroom right now)

previous posts: 7 things – the kitchen

just in time for the holiday weekend, i have decided to debut a new series.  “7 things” – where i will choose one area of my house and quickly list 7 things that need to be minimalized.

#1. the kitchen

  1. glassware – how many of those cups/mugs do you really use anyway?
  2. cookbooks – if it’s more than 7 years old and not “your favorite,” clip out the best recipes and discard the book.
  3. the gadget drawer – you know, the one with 5 spatulas…
  4. your countertop – find a new home for your things and remove the clutter from your sight
  5. grocery/plastic bags – save a few and recycle the other 50
  6. your fridge – pull everything out, clean, and be selective about goes back
  7. stockpiled food – donate some of those uneaten nonperishables and clear the cabinets for stuff you really like.